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CSEA Constitution

Posted Date: 10/11/2018


Article I – Name

Section 1 – Name

The name of this organization shall be the Columbus State Education Association (CSEA).

Section 2 – Affiliations

This Association shall maintain affiliation with the Central OEA/NEA, Inc., the Ohio Education Association, and the National Education Association.The Ohio Education Association represents the Association on all matters concerning the Association before the State Employment Relations Board (SERB).

Article II – Purpose

The purpose of the Association shall be to:

  1. Help set and promote the educational objectives of Columbus State Community College (CSCC), the State of Ohio, and the nation.
  2. Protect the welfare and advance the professional interests of its members;
  3. Foster professional attitudes;
  4. Negotiate on behalf of the bargaining unit(s) with the administration of CSCC with regard to the wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment of its bargaining unit members.

Article III – Membership

Section 1 – Eligibility

All full-time faculty members employed by CSCC, including instructors, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors; annually contracted faculty; and those full-time temporary faculty who are hired for a temporary period exceeding two consecutive semesters shall be eligible for active membership. 

Section 2 – Organizations

Active members shall be members of the Columbus State Education Association, Central OEA/NEA, Inc., the Ohio Education Association, and the National Education Association.

Section 3 – Ethics

All members shall abide by the Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.

Article IV – Officers

Section 1 – Officers

The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian.

Section 2 – Representatives

2.1 – Association Representatives

The Executive Committee shall determine an appropriate number of Association Representatives, but it shall not be less than one (1) Association Representative elected for every twenty-five (25) members or fraction thereof.   

2.2– Senior Association Representatives

There shall be at least two  Senior Association Representatives, elected from and by the Association Representatives for one-year terms.      

Section 3 –Term of Office

3.1– Length of Term

Officers shall be elected to serve a term of two (2) years, and shall be eligible for re-election for a maximum of four (4) consecutive terms in the same office.  A person elected or appointed to fill a vacant officer position for a partial term shall not have such service counted toward the maximum number of consecutive terms.

3.2– Re-Election

3.2.1: A past officer sitting out for one (1) term, or serving in another office for one (1) term, and subsequently elected again to the office previously held shall be eligible for re-election for the remaining terms available when s/he left office.

3.2.2: A past officer sitting out for two (2) consecutive terms, or serving in another office for two consecutive terms, shall be eligible for election to the office previously held, or any other office, with the full number of consecutive terms of office

3.2.3: A past officer having exhausted his/her maximum terms of office for a specific office shall be eligible for election to any other office with the length of term described in 3.1.

3.3 – Filling Vacancy During Term of Office

3.3.1: Whenever the office of President becomes vacant due to death, incapacity, termination, resignation, retirement, or recall, the Vice-President shall automatically assume the presidency for the remaining part of the term.

3.3.2: A vacancy in the office of Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian, or Senior Association Representative shall be filled, until the next election, by an appointment of the President with the approval of a majority vote of the Executive Committee. 

Article V – Executive Committee

Section 1 – Composition

The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers of the Association and the Senior Association Representatives.

Section 2 – Responsibilities of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall:

  1. Assign duties, coordinate all committees of the Association, and have such policy-making authority as provided in this Constitution and By-Laws.
  2. Act as the authoritative voice of the Association on positions affecting the Association during the interim period between regular meetings.
  3. Prepare recommendations for the consideration and action of the association.
  4. Review grievances under consideration for arbitration.
  5. By majority vote, file grievances, compromise grievances, and pursue arbitration or other contractual or legal remedies. No grievance shall be filed, compromised, or withdrawn without a majority vote of the executive committee.
  6. Carry out policies established at general membership meetings.
  7. Report its transactions and those of the general membership to all members at least once per semester.
  8. Direct an Agreed-Upon Procedures review of the Association’s financial records as necessary and at least once every two years.
  9. The Executive Committee, by majority vote, may authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Administration of Columbus State Community College on matters of contract interpretation. Any material alteration in the terms of the Collective Bargaining agreement shall be authorized only by a simple majority vote of the Association members voting in a vote called in accordance with the contract ratification provisions of this Constitution and The By-Laws of The Columbus State Education Association.

Section 3- Conflict of Interest

No business or financial transaction involving a member of the Executive Committee or agent of the Association, or their spouse, children, or parents, or otherwise described in this Section shall conflict with the fiduciary responsibility of such person to the Association. Such relationships with the members of the Executive Committee include relationships with any person that would reasonably be expected to affect the person’s judgment with respect to the transaction or conduct in question in a manner adverse to the Association.

Section 3 – Equal Opportunity

The Association shall provide representation and opportunities for membership and participation in governance of the Association without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran’s status, or sexual orientation. The Association shall provide representation to persons within these groups in proportion to each group’s numbers within the Association.

Section 4-Compensation of Executive Committee Members

Members of the Executive Committee shall be entitled annually to a rebate of  fifty percent (50%) of yearly dues paid by that member.

Article VI – Elections

Section 1 – Nomination for Office

  1. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Nominating Committee whose duty it shall be to present a slate of officers for each office and Association Representatives. The Nominating Committee shall not consist of members of the Executive Committee and shall be representative of the membership as a whole.
  2. Candidates for office may also be nominated by a petition signed by at least five (5) Association members.
  3. No member shall be nominated for office or Association Representative without the knowledge and consent of the member.

Section 2 – The Election

  1. The Executive Committee shall appoint an Elections Committee whose duty it shall be to conduct all elections and ratifications of collective bargaining agreements in accordance with guidelines set forth in the OEA Elections Manual and to resolve all challenges or protests to the election or fairness of the election procedure. The Elections Committee shall not consist of any member of the Executive Committee, other than the Committee Chair as hereinafter provided,and shall be representative of the Association membership as a whole.No nominee for office shall serve concurrently on the Elections Committee.The Elections Committee will be chaired by the Parliamentarian in even years and the Secretary in odd years.
  2. Election of officers and Association Representatives shall be conducted by secret ballot during one school day during Spring Semester at a place designated by the Elections Committee.
  3. The President, Secretary, Treasurer, and half of the Association Representativesshall be elected to serve a term of two (2) years in Spring Semester of even numbered years for a term commencing the following Autumn Semester.
  4. The Vice President, Parliamentarian, and half of the Association Representatives shall be elected to serve terms of two years in Spring Semester of odd numbered years for a term commencing the following Autumn Semester.
  5. The Elections Committeeshall make provisions for members of the Association to vote by absentee ballot.Absentee ballots will be issued to those members of the Association who are unable to vote during the designated time.Absentee ballots must be requested at least seven days prior to the date of the election. The Elections Committee will make provisions to assure the authenticity of absentee ballots. No election may be extended beyond the original date and hours set for voting by the Elections Committee, at least one week prior to the election.
  6. The terms of Office of all officers and Association Representatives shall commence the first day of Autumn Semester.
  7. All elections shall be held by the end of the Spring Semester for terms beginning the following Autumn Semester.

Section 3 – Election Results

The Elections Committee shall report the results of the election, in the method determined by the Committee, to the total membership within five (5) calendar days following the election.

Section 4 – Installation of Officers

Newly elected officers and Association Representatives shall be installed and assume their office on the first day of the August summer break.

Section 5 – Ballots

All ballots, marked, unmarked, and voided, and all other records pertaining to the election of the officers and Association Representatives of this Association and OEA and NEA delegates and alternates, shall be preserved by the Parliamentarian for one year from the date the election was held and such ballots and other records shall be made available to OEA officers upon request for inspection and examination.

Section 6 – Voting Rights

Only members of the Association shall have the right to vote, hold office, or otherwise have the privilege of Association membership. There shall be no other limitation on a member’s right to vote or hold office.

Article VII – Recall of Officers

Section 1 – Petition For Recall

Upon receipt of a petition calling for a recall of any member of the Executive Committee signed by at least twenty five percent of the membership, the Executive Committee shall schedule a recall election within thirty days.

Section 2 – Recall Election

The recall election shall occur on one day during which regular classes are held. Absentee ballots properly requested at least seven days in advance shall be provided to those members who request such ballots.

Section 3 – Recall of Officer

If sixty-seven percent (67%) of the members voting in the recall election vote to recall the officer, the officer’s executive committee position shall be declared vacant.


Article VIII – Committees

Section 1 – Standing Committees

The Association shall have such standing committees as are necessary to carry out the responsibilities and programs of the Association, including those designated in Article IV of the By-Laws.

Section 2 – Ad Hoc Committees

Ad hoc committees may be formed, as deemed necessary by the Executive Committee, to achieve the Association’s goals or programs.

Section 3 – Establishment of Committees

  1. All committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the majority of the Executive Committee.
  2. The President shall ask for volunteers to serve on the committees and shall have the authority to appoint chairs and members of committees, with the approval of the majority of the Executive Committee.
  3. A member of the Executive Committee, if none is assigned as a regular member of a committee, shall serve as an advisor to every committee.

Article IX – Dues

The local Association shall have a dues structure adequate to fund an active program.  The dues rate shall be established according to By-Laws Article VI.

Article X – Amendments

Section 1 – Vote

Amendments, alterations, additions, or deletions of this Constitution shall be made by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of those voting at any regular meeting.

Section 2 – Proposed Changes

Changes shall be proposed upon the initiative of the Executive Committee or upon presentation to the Executive Committee of a petition signed by ten (10) percent of the current active membership.  All proposed changes shall be distributed in writing (email is acceptable) to all active members at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting where they will be voted upon.

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